My #nevernotacroptop mantra is important for two reasons: (1) it fits my personal style; and (2) it acts a mantra to keep me dedicated and focussed on my fitness plan. If you follow me on social media, then you know how much I love a crop top paired with a full skirt, culottes or high-waisted wide legged trousers.

The crop top silhouette works with my body type by accentuating my small, trim and athletic waist/torso while minimizing my wider hips and bigger arse. In addition to a style choice, my famous saying #nevernotacrop also reminds me that diet and exercise are equally important. Crop tops don’t fit if I am overeating simple carbohydrates and not prioritizing weekly cardio and strength routines.

Style is personal so find the silhouette that compliments your body meaning if your hold weight in your midsection then crop tops may not be your jam; however, if you have killer biceps and shoulders like our forever First Lady Michelle Obama then rock sleeveless everything year round. As Renee from Billy Hendrix advised us years ago, dress to flatter the features that are best on you. Trends are fun but don’t be such a slave to them that you wear clothing that doesn’t suit you. For example, I don’t love my legs (they are fine but definitely not as toned as my abdominal muscles) so I tend to shy away from mini-skirts and short shorts. However, if you have a great set of pins then by all means, proudly rock those daisy dukes girl!

Discovering your personal style will also impact your health and wellness routine and keep you honest about your workouts and healthy eating. If you are intentionally living life to wear shorts (#NeverNotShortShorts) or backless dresses (#NeverNotASexyBack) then you are more likely to skip the bread basket at dinner and fit in your cardio session and leg day on a busy afternoon. The desire to look good in your shorts or backless cute dress will begin to outweigh the momentary desire to devour that buttered piece of bread which is nothing but empty calories, sugar and saturated fats. For me, the crop top serves as my barometer. If I have slacked off in either my diet or #sweatysesh (both are equally important by the way) then my midsection will tell my sins meaning that my favorite style will look a hot mess!

Your personal mantra is an easy way to regularly check your health and wellness progress. Slip your favorite daisy dukes, crop top or fitted dress on late one night and determine if it’s fitting the way you want. Daily check-ins and changes to diet and exercise are so much easier than looking up in 6 months later having gained 15 lbs and needing to lose it before a big trip or event. I try on my crop tops often which means that I notice changes in my body almost immediately. Too much sodium and I’m bloated. Too much sugar and I’m lumpy. Not enough cardio or strength training and nothing is defined. I am so energetically connected to my mind and body that I can make frequent but simple adjustments to get myself back where I need to be.

The moral of this tale is twofold: (1) find a style that looks awesome on your body type and rock it till the cows come home; (2) find a personal slogan that keeps you honest about your health, wellness and fitness. For me, that’s #nevernotacroptop. Maybe yours is #NeverNotAMini, #NeverNotSleeveless, #NeverNotABikini. Whatever you decides, make it personal and make it count!
As always, thank you for stopping by Jackie Unfiltered. Have an awesome day and check in below with your personal mantra.

[…] One pair of sneakers for workouts or long walks (vacation is an excellent time to fit in the #sweatysesh) […]
Looking great as always Jackie! I really like your long colorful skirts! They are classy and Tres Chic!?
Have a great weekend Jackie girl.???