Berry Ginger Almond Blast Smoothie
Follow me Someone asked me this week, “Hey Jackie, why do you prefer smoothies for breakfast during the week?”…
February 10, 2017Follow me Someone asked me this week, “Hey Jackie, why do you prefer smoothies for breakfast during the week?”…
February 10, 2017Follow me Doreen Chambers, interior designer and the woman behind one of our favorite blogs, My Perfect World, has…
February 9, 2017Follow me Jackie’s Healthy Habit No. 5️⃣ is “Keep a colorful fruit bowl on the kitchen counter.” This is…
February 7, 2017Follow me Around this time of year, we all feel a little sluggish from the dog days of Winter.…
February 6, 2017Follow me How many of us have a slow cooker or crock pot gathering dust somewhere in our home?…
February 4, 2017Follow me For a tough workout, I need fuel to push through each rep, especially if my workout is…
February 3, 2017Follow me If you’re allergic and/or just avoiding dairy, then my Homemade Non-Dairy Coconut Milk Recipe will blow your…
February 1, 2017Follow me Most of us fail to keep New Year’s resolutions because we set complicated goals that are lofty,…
February 1, 2017Follow me Jackie’s Healthy Habit No. 4️⃣ is “Make your own Salad Dressing!” If you eat salads often (you should…
January 30, 2017Follow me If you’re addicted to sugary, expensive, high-calorie coffee drinks, then your wallet and waistline are about to…
January 27, 2017Follow me I can’t remember the last time I bought bottled salad dressing. My salad dressing tastes better than…
January 24, 2017Follow me Jackie’s Healthy Habit No. 3️⃣ is “Don’t Overeat Anything. Not Even Salad.” Portion control is hard and…
January 24, 2017