
Lifestyle Blog: Fashion, Beauty, Home, Recipes and Staying Active

April 24, 2016



I launched Jackie Unfiltered’s journey in Spring 2016 as a “Blog-azine” (Blog + Magazine), a compilation of my utter obsession with the details of life from Home Décor, Entertaining & Fashion to Beauty, Fitness, Food & Philanthropy.  (?????? that’s my happy dance!)

For a complete overview of the content Jackie Unfiltered covers, head over to the About page or dive in and read about the products and services I cannot live without, Jackie’s Favs is a good place to start.  We publish at least two posts a week so please join our mailing list to the right and check back often for updates.  If you feel that everyone you know should be aware of the awesomeness of Jackie Unfiltered, we won’t be mad at you for using the “Share” Buttons at the bottom of each post to share Jackie’s world on your social media accounts.  Go ahead, test it out and start with this one.?   Also, feel free to copy and paste the URL www.jackieunfiltered.com into a mass email. My momma said you gotta ask for what you want!

Finally, if have any inclination to understand why the heck a married, 39-year old woman trained as a lawyer birthed this project, keep reading below…


Dear Readers all over the World ?:

Jackie Unfiltered is a place where my duplicity melts away.

In law school, on Day 1, we learned IRAC (Issue, Rule, Analysis & Conclusion).   I will always think like a lawyer so Jackie Unfiltered v. People of the World, April 29, 2016…what say you?

The ISSUE is that my formal education is both my party invitation and my gilded cage.  My unused law degree traps my creativity and make me think I can’t write about the topics covered on Jackie Unfiltered.  The framed pieces of paper sit covered in dust and magazines and books about lifestyle, travel, food and fitness fill every drawer and surface of my living space.   Do I look backwards or forward?

The unspoken RULE is that you choose a path in life, either left brain or right brain.   Some might whisper my moment to choose has come and gone.  I choose law school.  Therefore, if I want to write then cover “serious” topics like politics, theory or social issues.

Despite all this, I always end up with the same ANALYSIS.    Ditch the the rules.  I love fashion.  I love home décor.  The feel of textiles.  The joy that comes when finding that perfect mix of hard with soft.  Satin with khaki.  Checked shirts with sequins.  Stiletto biker boots with red ball gowns.  A little dressier than expected.  A touch more casual?  Look more closely, not really.   I love the process of making a house a home.  I soar when entertaining.  I love playing with make-up much like a teenage girl.  I am passionate about inspiring others to help humanity.  I adore getting tangled in the tiniest nuances of life and then wrapping myself up in the joy of figuring it all out.

A few years back, I said to Wendy over cocktails, “I want to write. Maybe I should take a creative writing class.”  She replied something like this:

“Why?  You know how to write.  Just write.  Write until you get stuck then take a class or speak with someone.  If you never get stuck, then just keep writing.  You don’t need a certificate or school to grant you permission to pursue a passion.”

I understand this but self-doubt wiggles itself into my brain the same way an earth worm finds the freshly tilled Spring soil.    Can I survive, no thrive, in a world where I am no longer duplicitous?  Where my private thoughts and obsessions are laid bare to see?  Will you judge me as silly?  Or will you cheer for me when I publicly declare that wallpaper, fedoras and barre classes strike me as most interesting?  Will you understand why at 39 I want to share that on some days I still feel like the 20 year old young woman who lost her mother far too soon?   Can you see that my greatest hope in sharing my story is that I might help someone else trying to understand the type of intense pain which tries to take permanent root and residence in souls?

The CONCLUSION is that I am both a lawyer by trade but a creator by heart.  So today, I declare  “I try.”  Because to not try would leave so many unanswered questions.  In that spirit, I welcome you to my social experiment on lifestyle.…Jackie Unfiltered.  Honestly, I am scared and nervous as hell of this authentic transparency.  But maybe, just maybe, I will luck up and make some new rules.  Fingers and toes crossed.

xoxo ?



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  • JackieUnfiltered May 6, 2016 at 7:04 pm

    Before it’s over, I will convince you to take a few lesson. Our first design post turned out great. Can’t wait for the next one!